Escape into a beautiful Black fantasy through Nico Kartel’s photographs

April 27, 2021
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Written By:
April 27, 2021


Source:  It's Nice That


There are those who stumble around life, trying a little bit of this, the a little bit of that, until they really figure out that age old question "What do you want to be when you grow up?".


Nico Kartel, knew very early on, that he was meant to be a creator, and that capturing, and transmitting, his essence via stunning visuals was going to be his thing. The photographer did what few have the conscience and courage to do when they're young: despite the lack of encouragement from his Caribbean family, at the age of 13, he decided he was going to be an artist, and never looked back.



Source: It's Nice That


Now, after a decade of pursuing his dream in New York, Nico Kartel's impressive portfolio includes a range of fashion, documentary, and portrait photography, as well as commissions for big names such as Paper Magazine, Nataal Media, and Neu Neu Media. And the artist could not be happier about it. His family too, take pride in the talented professional Kartel has becomes, and take back any doubt or dispiriting words uttered years back.


Nico Kartel uses his talents to beautifully encapsulate Blackness and Black identity. Inspired by horror films, an aesthetic one would usually not think as placid nor particularly pleasing, Kartel's cinematic style makes for exceptionally stunning compositions, where muted tones and strategic shadows exacerbate the intensity of his shots.



Source: It's Nice That

Source: It's Nice That

Source: It's Nice That


Source: It's Nice That


The photographer has a particular fondness for unconventional aesthetics, from his models, to the poses, or the locations. And that's because to Kartel, his work is a form of escapism. He hopes his depictions of Black people will read as a pure ethereal fantasy, so as to provide his audience with an escape from the, at times, harsh and boring reality.



At the end of the day, don't we all need to escape from time to time?


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