Quil Lemons takes us on a journey into the entrails of his native South Philadelphia, to the neighbourhood that watched him grow as it becomes witness to his grandmother’s 67th birthday celebration. All of which is wondrously captured in his photo series ‘6, 7’.
Despite the ongoing celebration, Lemon’s shots capture those intimate, personal moments. The kind one might modestly steal away from the joyous hustle and bustle of the party. ‘6,7’ delves into the subject of the beauty of being a Black person in the US. It dives into the essence of community life and family ties. Their, at times, complex histories contrast the permeating simplicity of unconditional familial love. Touching on the struggle and joy of life, and how often these two seemingly mutually exclusive sentiments adhere to one same experience, Quil Lemons lends his camera and his talent to the service of Black families in America, allowing them to speak for themselves through his lens.
“You’re always figuring out ways to be yourself when the whole world is telling you something else.”

Photographer – Quil Lemons
BTS footage – Matt Yoscary
Photography Assistants – Alexander Nguyen and Matt Yoscary
Set Design – Dan Horowitz
Stylist – Mel Reneé Leamon
Stylist Assistant – Cyrenae Tademy
Production – Emma Brinkman and Danielle Abramovich
Catering – Chef Allen Young