Step 1. Recycle – Step 2. Get discounted sneakers

May 1, 2021
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Written By:
May 1, 2021


Source: Scandinavian Mind


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. That's how the motto goes right?


Today we are taking a closer look at the third pillar of this manifesto of imperative environmental action. Specifically, on the brilliant way in which Sneakersnstuff has paired up with adidas to bridge the worlds of Fashion, and Recycling together.


Now in the recent years, we have seen a rise in labels and designers that have implemented and integrated (more) sustainable practices in their design, manufacturing, and shipping processes. Particularly among upcoming designers. A few examples are TOMBOGO'S stunning manner of upcycling garments, Maria Korkeila's purposeful sourcing of fabric from sustainable suppliers, or Nojin's masterful sowing of deadstock to create her garments.


Still, generally speaking, these practices refer to the actual realm of Fashion, and how it carries itself, going from being the villain of the story, to, perhaps, one of the driving forces towards a sustainable future. As such, the impact of said actions never really go beyond the confines of the textile industry. Not that we're throwing any shade here, the textile industry's magnitude is such, that its impact alone will be a huge deal.


What we mean to imply is that, Sneakersnstuff and adiddas have taken their environmental responsibility to the next level, by encouraging sustainable practices beyond their area of expertise.


Source: Scandinavian Mind


So what have they done? They have set a new initiative in motion in order to promote a particular recycling habit which people in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland are already quite familiar with.


Nordic countries recycle containers through a system called "pant". It basically consists of paying a small deposit for the packaging of a product, which you are promptly reimbursed, in cash, once you bring the empty bottle or aluminum can and feed it to the "pant" (or give it back to the store when there's no machine). This scheme has been immensely successful, and resulted in almost 90% of all containers being recycled.


And now, thanks to Sneakersnstuff and adidas, every time they recycle their containers, they will receive a 10% discount on a paid of adidas Stan Smith.


Source: like2share


Now you may think these two actions are completely disconnected from each other, but see, in the world of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, physical things can be broken down and used to make something else. Such is the case with the Stan Smith sneakers, which are made out of recycled polyester. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to be obnoxiously precise. Whiiiiiich so happens to be the material plastic bottles are made of.


Voilá, the world of Fashion and Recycling bridged by the enemy, plastic, and turning into the solution via circular sustainability.



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